Proyecto Dormitorio YunFu 2022

YunFu Dormitory Project 2022

Project type: Worker dormitory

Time of completion: July, 2022

Total area: 1500 m²

Number of containeres: 66 units

Number of installation workers: 35 people

Project introduction:

A container house is a temporary house that can replace an ordinary board house.
The construction period of a large-scale construction project is very long, and workers need to live on the construction site for a long time, which leads to the problem of living.
If a concrete house is specially built for this purpose, the construction period will be significantly extended, so the contractor will use our container house as a temporary house.
The assembly time of this kind of container house is very fast, and a house can be assembled in 1-2 hours, and the service life of our cbox container house can reach 10-15 years.
Cuando se completa el sitio de construcción, estas casas de contenedores pueden desmantelarse y luego transferirse a otro sitio de construcción para su uso continuo, o usarse como almacén, que es una casa muy rentable.

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